
Aug 04, 2024 I’m attending IJCAI in South Korea to present my main conference paper and give an invited talk at the Workshop on Democracy and AI!
May 08, 2024 I will be at AAMAS in New Zealand with an extended abstract, 2 workshop papers, and to run the SCaLA workshop (it will be a busy week!).
May 07, 2024 AAMAS has accepted my proposal to run a brand-new workshop, “Social Choice and Learning Algorithms” with Roy Fairstein, Nick Mattei, and Zoi Terzopoulou. Interested in ML or social choice? Join us on May 7th if you are attending AAMAS!
Jul 17, 2023 I will be attending the COMSOC Summer School in Amsterdam. Come talk to me about my research 😀.
Jul 23, 2022 Shiri Alouf-Heffetz and I have a long paper at IJCAI. Read it here and get in touch to chat about it!