
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Liquid Democracy for Low-Cost Ensemble Pruning
    Ben Armstrong, and Kate Larson
    May 2024
    Extended Abstract. Full version available on ArXiV.
  2. Optimizing Viscous Democracy
    Ben Armstrong, Shiri Alouf-Heffetz , and Nimrod Talmon
    Games, Agents, Incentives Workshop at the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, May 2024
  3. Optimizing Viscous Democracy
    Ben Armstrong, Shiri Alouf-Heffetz , and Nimrod Talmon
    33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2024
  4. Canadian AI
    Liquid Ensemble Selection for Continual Learning
    Carter Blair , Ben Armstrong, and Kate Larson
    37th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, May 2024
    Note: SCaLA version contains more experimental results due to length limits.
  5. SCaLA
    Liquid Ensemble Selection for Continual Learning
    Carter Blair , Ben Armstrong, and Kate Larson
    Social Choice and Learning Algorithms Workshop at the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, May 2024


  1. How Should We Vote? A Comparison of Voting Systems within Social Networks
    Shiri Alouf-Heffetz , Ben Armstrong, Kate Larson , and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Jul 2022


    Exploring the Relationship Between Social Choice and Machine Learning
    Ben Armstrong
    20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (Doctoral Consortium), May 2021
  2. On the Limited Applicability of Liquid Democracy
    Ben Armstrong, and Kate Larson
    Games, Agents, Incentives Workshop at the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, May 2021


  1. Could AI Drive Transformative Social Progress? What Would This Require?
    Edward (Ted) A. Parson , Robert Lempert , Ben Armstrong, and 3 more authors
    SSRN Electronic Journal, May 2019
  2. Siri Humphrey: Design Principles for an AI Policy Analyst
    Ben Armstrong, Megan Beretta , Evan Crothers , and 5 more authors
    May 2019
  3. Machine Learning to Strengthen Democracy
    Ben Armstrong, and Kate Larson
    NeurIPS Joint Workshop on AI for Social Good, May 2019


  1. Coordination in a Peer Production Platform: A study of Reddit’s /r/Place experiment
    Ben Armstrong
    Masters Thesis, May 2018


  1. Approval in the Echo Chamber
    Ben Armstrong, and Kate Larson
    EXPLORE Workshop at the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, May 2017